Emergency Numbers
When in doubt, call 911!
WI Suicide Hotline (suicide.org) Call 988 for the Suicide and Crisis Lifeline, Madison: (608) 280-2600
Poison Center: 1-800-222-1222
Domestic Abuse Intervention Services: (608) 251-4445 or 1-800-747-4045 in English and en Espanol.
The help line is answered by trained volunteers and staff, and is available 24/7. DAIS provides crisis intervention, safety planning, support, referrals, and confidential personal visits at safe locations.
Public Health Phone Numbers (Disease control, flu hotline, testing for foodborne illnesses, water safety, radon, lead, chemical spills, etc)
General Resource Lists
Dane Co. Comprehensive Community Services List here.
Dane County Human Services
Click here for a list of local help.
Grants for Single Mothers
Submit a Crime Tip Online to the Dane County Sherriff
Dane County Sherriff Non-emergency numbers.
Madison Crimestoppers Anonymous Hotline: 608-266-6104
Wisconsin Crime Alert Network, including Missing Persons, amber alerts, etc.
DNR violation hotline-- report poachers and other problems: 1-800-847-9367
or text TIP 411 (847411). Text: TIPWDNR [space] followed by the tip. You can also email le.hotline [at] wisconsin.gov
Report Animal Cruelty. Call (608) 267-1989 or (608) 255-2345.
Village of Marshall Non-Emergency Police Phone numbers here or call (608)655-3533 ext. 1 or marshallpolice [at] marshall-wi.com (marshallpolice[at]marshall-wi[dot]com)
LGBTQ Resources
OutReach (Southern WI counselling, advocacy, etc) 600 Williamson Street Madison, WI 53703-3588. 608.255.8582 info [at] lgbtoutreach.org (info[at]lgbtoutreach[dot]org)
Housing & Utility Assistance
Tenant Resource Center 1202 Williamson Street Suite A Madison, Wisconsin 53703-0000. 608-257-0006
Dane County Housing Authority. Section 8 and other subsidized rent programs. 2001 W Broadway Suite 1 Monona, Wisconsin 53713-3707. 608-224-3636-23
Home Enegery+ will help pay your utility bills, offers free emergency furnace repair/replacement, and assistance with home weatherization.
Avoid Foreclosure.
Resources for the homeless
Public Housing Agency Websites
Salvation Army Housing
The Rights and Responsibilities of Landlords and Tenants
Child Care & Safety
Amber Alert Wisconsin
Advice, internet safety tips, college financial aid scams, etc here.
Briarpatch Youth Services: Runaways, homelessness, counselling and more.
Wisconsin Shares Child Care Subsidies
The WI Dept of Children and Families offers assistance with paternity testing, getting Child Support, foster care reimbursement, kinship care funding, and emergency help.
The Marshall Schools website
Child Protective Services of Wisconsin
Report Child Abuse and Neglect during office hours:
608-261-KIDS / 608-261-5437
after office hours: 608-255-6067
RISE Parent-Child Home Program
-provides support for parents & caregivers with young children
-free home visits, books and toys
Center for Parent Information and Resources
FACETS: WI Family Assistance Center for Education, Training & Support
Wisconsin First Step for children with special needs.
Wisconsin Statewide Parent-Educator Initiative Creating Partnerships Between Parents and Educators for Students with Disabilities
DMV Child Safety Seat Laws plus EZ-read requirements & assistance
WI Child Care Information
WI Immunization Program
Lead Poisoning Prevention
Is a movie appropriate for you or your child? Try Kids-in-Mind.
Help With Getting a Car:
The Work-n-Wheels auto loan program is designed to help income eligible families and individuals with assistance in obtaining an affordable and dependable vehicle.
Ways to Work
Wisconsin Employment Transportation Assistance Program (WETAP)
Healthcare Assistance:
Badger Care+ Low Cost/Free Healthcare
Family Planning Only Services (free contraceptives, pap smears, STD treatments, and sterilization) 1-800-362-3002
ABC for Health, Inc. A public interest law firm that works to improve health care access through advocacy, benefits counseling, and legal services for low-income families.
Disability Rights Wisconsin
Wisconsin Well Woman Program (free health screenings and multiple sclerosis testing for women aged 45 through 64) 1-608-266-8311
WI Chronic Disease Program Assistance for Wisconsin residents with chronic renal disease, hemophilia, and adult cystic fibrosis.
Katie Beckett Program: A special eligibility process that allows certain children with long-term disabilities, mental illness, or complex medical needs, living at home.
Medicaid includes:
-Community Waivers help elderly, blind or disabled people live in their own homes or in the community, rather than a state institution or a nursing home.
-MAPP offers people with disabilities who are working, or interested in working, the opportunity to buy health care coverage through the Wisconsin Medicaid Program.
-The Medicaid Deductible plan can help if you have high medical bills and your income is over the Medicaid program income limits.
-MediGap helps you navigate the Medicare system and supplemental insurance questions. 1-800-242-1060
-Long-Term Care Insurance Partnership Program
Mental Health Assistance
NAMI (National Alliance on Mental Illness) WI Chapter 2059 Atwood Ave, Madison, WI 53704. (608) 249-7188 contact [at] namidanecounty.org (contact[at]namidanecounty[dot]org)
Journey Mental Health Center 49 Kessel Ct, Madison, WI 53711. (608) 280-2700
Dane County Deparment of Human Services Mental Health
Resources for Veterans
Marshall American Legion Post 279: American Legion Cir, Marshall, WI 53559. American Legion - Post 279 Marshall, WI - Home | Facebook (opens in a new window)
Krause-Langer VFW Post 6614 119 S. Monroe St., Waterloo, WI 53594
State of WI Dept. of Veterans Affairs
The Jones Act
Veterans Crisis Line 1-800-273-8255 live computer chat also available
Serve.gov: Resources for Military Families and Veterans
State Veterans Service Offices (housing, employment, education, VA benefits)
Legal Assistance for Vets
VA Community Support Program 306 N Brooks St Madison, WI 53715 (608) 280-7195
At the bottom of this page is a list of links to get help with PTSD, addiction/abuse rehab, agent orange, and active duty exposure and recovery.
Drug & Alcohol Addiction
Clean needle exchange: Lifepoint 121 S Pinckney St Ste 320 Madison, WI , 53703 Primary: (608) 258-9103 Delivery: (608) 332-6169
Clean needle exchange: AIDSNetwork 600 Williamson St Ste H, Madison, WI , 53703 Primary: (608) 316-8600 Delivery: (608) 516-2158
Parent Addiction Network of Dane County. An Online Resource Center for Family and Friends of People Battling Drug Addiction.
Narcan (drug overdose treatment) is available without a prescription at most Walgreens pharmacies, including the one at UW Madison at 311 E. Campus Mall. The cost is $22 for five vials, or $1 if you are enrolled in BadgerCare.
Alcoholics Anonymous
Narcotics Anonymous
Madison Area Adult Children of Alcoholics/Dysfunctional Families meeting days here.
Tellurian non-profit detox center, Madison WI.
Dane County Dept. of Human Services drug & alcohol help
Financial Planning
Credit Counselling Agencies in Wisconsin Get help with debt
Wisconsin Salvation Army financial assistance
Stop Annoying Sales Calls
Sign up for the "Do Not Call" Registry, free 24/7
nocall.wisconsin.gov or 1-888-382-1222
If you are already registered and wish to file a complaint about a caller,
file online here or call 1-800-422-7128 to request a complaint form.
Identity Theft
File an identity theft complaint with the
Bureau of Consumer Protection
Office of Privacy Protection
2811 Agricultural Drive
PO Box 8911
Madison, WI 53708-8911
1-800-224-5163 or 608-224-5058
Don't forget to file a police report at the station nearest your home.
Consumer Alerts
Learn about the latest scams in Wisconsin here.
Learn about food recalls here.
Meat safety information here.
Where to buy locally farmed food here.
Consumer Guide to Health Care
Consumer Protection Hotline: 800-422-7128 or file a complaint online here.Legal Assistance
Low-cost or free legal assistance and advice can be found at the Wisconsin State Bar.
The Wisconsin State Law Library has every court form you'll ever need, from divorce to small claims to child support.
To view the local ordinances for any municipality in Wisconsin, click here.
Need to know somone's criminal background? Wisconsin Circuit Court Access lists most charges made against WI residents over 18.
WI Vital Records Office (death, birth, marriage, and divorce certificates, etc)
Get forms for Living Will, Power of Attorney for Health Care, Power of Attorney for Finances & Property, Final Disposition